I am so excited, I actually made something ! I saw a few people dressed as fauns and satyrs inworld and having always loved the creatures (one of my favourite movies is Pan's Labyrinth ^_^) I decided to try my hand at creating some faun and satyr legs.
It was a big learning experience, with alpha channels and sculpties but luckily I am very familiar with photoshop so I think my first attempt is not too shabby.
I'm not sure if I'll make heaps more items in the future, I guess I'll see how these go first. Also I decided to call my little business {Myth} because irl I'm a mythology geek and a great fan of the work of Joseph Campbell that does an incredible study on mythology through the ages and its importance to mankind. Anyway, I digress.. hope people like it and remember its my first item - I'm still learning!
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The air is wild with leaves
5 years ago
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